10 Business And Management Skills To Own And Be Productive

10 Business And Management Skills To Own And Be Productive

Management skills tend to play a very important part in business. It is thanks to these skills that company directors can assign, assess and stay aware of the work completed by their teams. They decide, implement actions and take control of each situation. Their skills and roles should necessarily match their career ambitions. In this article, I suggest 10 skills in Business and Management to own in order to be productive and to be considered as a good Manager....

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[Interview] In The Bubble Of Ahou The African Chick: "I like to go beyond my limits, I like to be curious and try new things"

[Interview] In The Bubble Of Ahou The African Chick: "I like to go beyond my limits, I like to be curious and try new things"

1. Quick (but effective) introduction of the personage and her achievements? My name is Bénédicte Kouakou or, if you will, Ahou l'Africaine (Ahou The African Chick, my blogger name). Holding a Master's degree in Judicial Law obtained from the Catholic University of West Africa (UCAO), Ahou is passionate about digital communication and content writing. She worked as a Social Media Manager at YooMee, Bogolan Distribution (for the "Living Together" project) and RCG West Africa where she also worked as Communication and Event Assistant, on content writing and digital strategy development. Hence she has accrued 4 years of professional and corporate experience. Unsatisfied with her "brief" internship in a law firm, and her 4 years of business experience, Ahou will combine her two passions, which are the Law and Digital Communication, by creating The Blog of Ahou The African Chick in May 2015... I have been fighting for what I wanted. I have not yet fully realized my ambitions so far, but for me, these have been great experiences....

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[Interview] In The Bubble Of Holty Sow: "for more efficiency, I prefer to work in an agile team"

[Interview] In The Bubble Of Holty Sow: "for more efficiency, I prefer to work in an agile team"

1. Quick (but effective) introduction of the personage and his achievements? My name is Holty Samba SOW. After having started my higher studies in Maths-Physics, then completed a professional degree in Computer Science in Senegal, I went on to further my studies in France and obtained a Master's degree in Electronic Documents and Information Flow in 2009. This allowed me to get into the professional world of computer programming. Currently I am a consultant and developer, mainly on the .NET platform, at SoftFluent, which is a software publisher but also a service company....

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Convert Video Files With VLC

Convert Video Files With VLC

How to use the best free video converter/encoder available on all platforms, also known as... VLC. That's right, in addition to being a true Swiss army knife for video playback, VLC has a video-to-video (and audio) conversion functionality that is little known to the general public. Here is the procedure for using it:...

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[Interview] In The Bubble Of Nanda Seye: "it was essential to be very strategic and organised in order to reach the defined objectives"

[Interview] In The Bubble Of Nanda Seye: "it was essential to be very strategic and organised in order to reach the defined objectives"

1. Quick (but effective) introduction of the personage and her achievements? I am Nanda SEYE, Ivorian, in charge of private sector programs in a training firm. I am completing a training in Computer Engineering Option Networks and Systems in a school in Ivory Coast. I have experience in Digital Marketing, Project Management and Computer Network Administration. Also, I have a blog on ICT. What sets this blog apart is the fact that it educates and informs on ICT topics through humour. Hired as a Community Manager by a coworking space from 2013 to 2014, I managed to bring together the different ICT communities around this space and to organize several events that helped in establishing the reputation of the company. This was my greatest accomplishment because JokkoLabs was the first collaborative space in that country; the concept was therefore unknown to the public. It was essential to be very strategic and organised in order to reach the defined objectives....

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A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank

A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank

If you have ever checked the weather online, used the navigation function of your smartphone to find an on-duty pharmacy, or calculated the road expenses of your municipality, then you have already used "Open" Public Data. But maybe you didn't know it... For a long time, it was difficult (or even impossible) to access this information from the public authorities. This concept was born from the belief that the huge amount of information systematically collected by public administrations should be accessible to all citizens. In the late 2000s, states and their various services began to grant access to these resources to a greater number of users. The first government open data policies were introduced in 2009. Currently, more than 250 national and local governments, nearly 50 developed/developing countries, and institutions such as the World Bank and the United Nations have launched initiatives to release the data, and these are growing every year. Data is considered "open" if everyone can use, reuse and redistribute it freely, free of charge, for any purpose and without restrictions. Many data sets are published on government websites, but most of them are only meant to be viewed in isolation, and are not reusable for other purposes. Open data must be reusable, that is, downloadable in an open, software-readable format, and users must be legally permitted to reuse it....

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Limiting The Execution Of An Action To AJAX Requests Only

In ASP.NET MVC, we manipulate Views, among other things. Some of these Views represent full pages and some are just page parts. These parts or areas belonging to a view are called partial views, and they are also returned by controller actions. Since these partial views should only be used within a view, the ASP.NET MVC framework allows us to protect any call to these partial actions by decorating them with the ChildActionOnly attribute. This attribute makes sure that the action: - cannot be used as an entire view and the application developers will always run it using the HtmHelper.Action or HtmlHelper.RenderAction methods. - has a URL that will not be accessible via the address bar, if a user somehow becomes aware of the existence of this URL. However, as with any dynamic site, we will have AJAX requests that can also make requests for HTML content without having to load the page completely. This content also represents a part, and when we receive the response from the web server we have to embed this piece of HTML somewhere in the page. The AJAX request sent to the server will certainly invoke a controller action. This action, like those marked with the ChildActionOnly attribute, must have these constraints: - should only go through AJAX requests. - inaccessible via the browser address bar. But the ASP.NET MVC framework does not offer any attributes that allow us to apply these restrictions to an action, but it gives us the tools to create them....

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ASP.NET MVC: Avoid Polluting The Model Of The View With Error Messages

I recently answered a question that came up on the StackOverflow website. The question was whether using the ViewBag dynamic property of the controller to expose the error message was a good practice, as the OP investigations suggested that it was necessary to expose properties from the model. Obviously it is highly recommended NOT to use the ViewBag property since it does not provide any Strong Typing. If you want to communicate with the view you should always involve a typed model. The suggested solution is therefore legitimate in that respect, however, it is not a good practice when it comes to model error handling in ASP.NET MVC. The solution for exposing error messages (as in the previous example, which does not use data annotation attributes) derives from the use of the AddModelError method, from the ModelStateDictionary class. We do not need to instantiate this class because a ModelState property containing an instance of this class already exists in the Controller. Therefore, the right solution is the following:...

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