RSSEducation (17)

Training, Skills, Experience, Awareness
2017-02-28 Microsoft Professional Certifications for Developers 4.5
2016-12-24 10 Years of Programming 5.0
2016-09-23 The Xamarin Revolution 4.5
2016-08-28 Where to Find Free Quality Audio Books? 4.5
2016-07-14 My Essentials : Top 12 Tech Courses on Pluralsight for .NET Developers 5.0
2016-03-21 C# Free Learning Resources For Beginners And Professionals 4.7
2015-10-25 Web Citizen And Media Coverage: Yes, But...
2015-03-15 4 Substantial Tactics Guaranteed To Boost Your Game Creation Skills 4.3
2015-01-20 On Technical Orientation : 5 Basic Considerations When Starting To Code 4.3
2014-03-01 You Have The Right To Publish Whatever You Want Online
2013-12-15 Africa: ICT in Education for Entrepreneurship and Employability
2013-12-05 Educational Uses Of Internet Content Curation
2013-07-26 The Paradox Of Teachers In Africa : Rare And Yet Poorly Paid
2013-06-22 4 important revelations that could certainly accelerate the educational revolution in Africa (Part 2)
2013-06-21 4 important revelations that could certainly accelerate the educational revolution in Africa
2013-06-17 Gamification: 5 peculiar concepts that African schools could actually use (Part 2)
2013-06-17 Gamification: 5 Peculiar Concepts That African Schools Could Actually Use

RSSEverlasting Revolution (3)

The best Breakthroughs from the Past and the most promising Insights for the Future
2013-07-02 On web municipality: detailed answers and 3 essential clarifications 5.0
2013-06-08 WARNING: Web Municipality And Community Freedom 4.7
2009-04-05 The Effects of Accelerated Evolution and Information Overloading: did you know? 4.0

RSSExtra (17)

2019-12-25 Multi-skilled, Multilingual
2018-04-15 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Karen Kakou: "my parents never knew their ways to successful careers, I had to figure everything out by myself" 4.5
2018-03-21 [Interview] In The Bubble of Yehni Djidji: "I offer educational entertainment and life-changing experiences to children"
2018-02-20 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Olivier Madiba: "my goal is to reach my maximum human potential and to help others to do the same"
2018-01-20 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Israel Yoroba: "I am president, elite serial entrepreneur, veteran blog trotter, catalyst for change in our generation"
2017-12-26 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Jean Luc Houedanou: "a fleet of drones that prevent theft and abuse"
2017-11-24 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Antoine Mian: "if one is not passionate, they miss out on life"
2017-09-14 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Ahou The African Chick: "I like to go beyond my limits, I like to be curious and try new things"
2017-08-17 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Holty Sow: "for more efficiency, I prefer to work in an agile team"
2017-07-08 [Interview] In The Bubble Of Nanda Seye: "it was essential to be very strategic and organised in order to reach the defined objectives"
2016-05-12 Your First Job is Like Your First Girlfriend 5.0
2016-04-20 FFmpeg, The Fastest Way To Edit a Video File (in 5 seconds or less) 4.5
2015-11-07 The Golf Ball Effect 4.5
2015-10-18 Just 2 Things 4.5
2010-03-24 World Wide Worries 4.7
2009-06-07 Caution! Cultivate Your Digital Identity Now!
2007-09-01 Introduction

RSSFun Arts (17)

Digital Arts, Audiovisual Works, Recreational Activities, Fun Learning
2017-07-22 Convert Video Files With VLC
2016-04-20 FFmpeg, The Fastest Way To Edit a Video File (in 5 seconds or less) 4.5
2015-12-17 It's All About The Selfie
2015-10-15 12 Years Of A Dream Challenging Reality
2015-03-15 4 Substantial Tactics Guaranteed To Boost Your Game Creation Skills 4.3
2015-02-07 Monty Oum or the Bruce Lee of Digital Arts 5.0
2015-01-04 Flux Project : Social News Web Applications 4.5
2014-12-24 Relaunch : Kpakpatoya 2.0 as an Interactive Platform
2013-05-25 Babi Fraya: The Hot Winter Illusion 4.5
2011-08-12 Dual Shock 3 - Part 3: Device Analysis and Specification 5.0
2011-07-11 Dual Shock 3 - Part 2: The amazing story of the Dual Shock 4.0
2011-06-21 Dual Shock 3 - Part 1: History of game controllers 3.7
2010-07-30 Confidential: Social Networks And Me
2010-07-23 Inside Bavardica - Part 4 : Scope for future improvements 4.0
2010-07-10 Inside Bavardica - Part 3 : Design of the 2D characters 4.5
2010-06-11 Inside Bavardica - Part 1 : Discussion of the subject areas 4.0
2010-03-24 Games for Everyone 4.5

RSSProfessional (22)

Career, Industry, Business, Marketing
2017-09-24 10 Business And Management Skills To Own And Be Productive
2017-06-10 Facebook Profile vs Facebook Page: What To Choose?
2017-06-03 A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank
2017-02-28 Microsoft Professional Certifications for Developers 4.5
2016-06-29 Starting a New Job: 12 Tips for a Brilliant Outset 5.0
2016-05-12 Your First Job is Like Your First Girlfriend 5.0
2015-11-27 Did You Just Say Crowdfunding?
2015-11-08 Becoming Your Own Boss: 7 Lessons Learned On The Spot
2015-10-20 Africa, Cradle Of Humanity And Entrepreneurs
2014-02-25 Job On The Web : How Not To Get Hired
2013-12-15 Africa: ICT in Education for Entrepreneurship and Employability
2012-08-28 Useful Job Search Websites For Programmers In The UK 4.7
2011-11-10 5. Branding (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-07 2. Understanding the customer behaviour (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-06 1. React to the global and local marketing environment (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-05 Marketing For Programmers (or what I learned from my marketing classes) 4.0
2011-08-12 Dual Shock 3 - Part 3: Device Analysis and Specification 5.0
2011-07-11 Dual Shock 3 - Part 2: The amazing story of the Dual Shock 4.0
2011-06-21 Dual Shock 3 - Part 1: History of game controllers 3.7
2010-12-10 GOOSE (GOOgle Supply search Engine) 3.7
2010-10-16 5 lessons I learned from my internship at General Electric 4.5
2010-09-24 GE FAQ : 3 months in the Cyber Pearl 5.0

RSSPrototype (7)

Ideas and Concepts
2015-01-04 Flux Project : Social News Web Applications 4.5
2014-12-24 Relaunch : Kpakpatoya 2.0 as an Interactive Platform
2013-05-25 Babi Fraya: The Hot Winter Illusion 4.5
2012-06-23 Furtivue (Or How To Send Furtive Messages Like A Ninja) 5.0
2012-06-12 Phidgets: First Steps In Robotics? 5.0
2011-03-25 Paper Prototyping 4.0
2010-12-10 GOOSE (GOOgle Supply search Engine) 3.7

RSSTechnical (38)

Software Engineering, Computer Science, Technology
2018-03-09 How to Track Mysterious Bugs with Visual Studio 4.0
2017-06-03 A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank
2017-05-12 Limiting The Execution Of An Action To AJAX Requests Only
2017-04-27 ASP.NET MVC: Avoid Polluting The Model Of The View With Error Messages
2017-02-28 Microsoft Professional Certifications for Developers 4.5
2016-12-24 10 Years of Programming 5.0
2016-11-05 Top 8 Tricks with Xamarin Programming 3.8
2016-09-23 The Xamarin Revolution 4.5
2016-07-14 My Essentials : Top 12 Tech Courses on Pluralsight for .NET Developers 5.0
2016-03-21 C# Free Learning Resources For Beginners And Professionals 4.7
2016-01-24 Deploying a Web App to IIS / Windows Server In 7 Clever Steps 5.0
2015-12-12 My 12 Favorite Entity Framework Tricks 4.5
2015-01-20 On Technical Orientation : 5 Basic Considerations When Starting To Code 4.3
2015-01-04 Flux Project : Social News Web Applications 4.5
2013-11-09 The General Assumption of Security 4.0
2013-05-25 Babi Fraya: The Hot Winter Illusion 4.5
2012-09-30 Stay up to date with your favorite topic on social platforms 5.0
2012-06-23 Furtivue (Or How To Send Furtive Messages Like A Ninja) 5.0
2012-06-18 Business at the speed of game production: OpenGL or XNA? 5.0
2012-06-12 Phidgets: First Steps In Robotics? 5.0
2012-05-27 How to Debug a Windows Service in Visual Studio
2012-02-07 On reading books and self-education: My Essentials 4.3
2011-10-23 Writing and Programming: Pretty Much The Same Thing
2011-10-13 Why I like C# so much 4.0
2011-09-10 8 reasons why you would enjoy being a programmer 4.0
2011-06-21 Dual Shock 3 - Part 1: History of game controllers 3.7
2011-06-04 Launching Your Application At Windows Startup Without Hacking The Registry
2011-03-25 Paper Prototyping 4.0
2010-11-19 Data Visualisation : Thematic Maps VS Bubble Charts 4.0
2010-11-06 Exploring Some Advanced Visualisation Techniques 3.7
2010-10-16 5 lessons I learned from my internship at General Electric 4.5
2010-09-24 GE FAQ : 3 months in the Cyber Pearl 5.0
2010-08-13 10 things I learned from building Bavardica 4.0
2010-07-23 Inside Bavardica - Part 4 : Scope for future improvements 4.0
2010-07-10 Inside Bavardica - Part 3 : Design of the 2D characters 4.5
2010-06-25 Inside Bavardica - Part 2 : Progress and Achievement of the Project 4.0
2010-06-11 Inside Bavardica - Part 1 : Discussion of the subject areas 4.0
2010-03-24 Games for Everyone 4.5

RSSWinning (39)

Strategy, Operations, Tactics, Philosophy, Victory
2018-04-07 Breaking Through Pebble: from Mediocrity to Excellence
2017-10-07 10 Marketing Tips For Promoting Your Next Blog Post
2017-09-24 10 Business And Management Skills To Own And Be Productive
2017-06-10 Facebook Profile vs Facebook Page: What To Choose?
2016-10-27 Just think about it: 50 ideas to live by 4.5
2016-08-28 Where to Find Free Quality Audio Books? 4.5
2016-04-20 FFmpeg, The Fastest Way To Edit a Video File (in 5 seconds or less) 4.5
2016-01-08 Eponymous Laws For Tech Strategists 4.5
2015-11-08 Becoming Your Own Boss: 7 Lessons Learned On The Spot
2015-11-05 A Quick Guide For New Bloggers 4.5
2015-10-15 12 Years Of A Dream Challenging Reality
2015-08-30 Success, A Reward To Enjoy In The Shadows
2015-03-15 4 Substantial Tactics Guaranteed To Boost Your Game Creation Skills 4.3
2015-02-28 The 5 Most Terrific Motivation Tips (From Monty Oum The Artistic Genius) 4.5
2015-02-07 Monty Oum or the Bruce Lee of Digital Arts 5.0
2014-12-31 On reading books and self-education, My Essentials (Part 2) 5.0
2014-02-25 Job On The Web : How Not To Get Hired
2014-01-15 The 13 Sharpest Lessons Of 2013 4.5
2013-09-29 5 Team Management Insights From Sebastian Marshall 4.5
2013-08-03 HELP! They Are Going To Steal My Project!!!
2012-11-17 5 Attitudes Without Which You Will Have Trouble Reaching Your Goals
2012-09-30 Stay up to date with your favorite topic on social platforms 5.0
2012-08-28 Useful Job Search Websites For Programmers In The UK 4.7
2012-02-07 On reading books and self-education: My Essentials 4.3
2012-01-12 Because your projects need a symphonic soul: Some Motivational Songs 4.3
2011-11-11 6. Communication Techniques (on marketing for programmers) 3.7
2011-11-10 5. Branding (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-08 4. Market segmentation and targeting (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-08 3. Research and Information Systems (on marketing for programmers) 4.0
2011-11-07 2. Understanding the customer behaviour (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-06 1. React to the global and local marketing environment (on marketing for programmers) 4.5
2011-11-05 Marketing For Programmers (or what I learned from my marketing classes) 4.0
2011-10-23 Writing and Programming: Pretty Much The Same Thing
2011-10-13 Why I like C# so much 4.0
2011-09-30 Losing Your Arm
2011-08-26 What will you do in life? 4.0
2011-02-27 What (un)motivates us When We Run a Blog
2010-08-28 11 Personality Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs
2010-07-30 Confidential: Social Networks And Me


195 articles
304 raters

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