10 Years of Programming

10 Years of Programming

I started programming when I was in high school. I learned a few lessons over the past decade, and I thought I would take a moment to gather my thoughts on these things. It took me about ten years and a lot of experimentation to figure out some of this....

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The Xamarin Revolution

The Xamarin Revolution

Xamarin is a cross-platform development tool. It solves dilemmas many developers face when developing cross-platform apps: separate coding languages and UI paradigms. With Xamarin, you can use C# for iOS, Android, and Universal Windows apps. And with Xamarin Forms, interface design for all three platforms can be accomplished within its XAML-based framework. Here is some documentation I would recommend if you consider getting started with Xamarin....

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Web Citizen And Media Coverage: Yes, But...

Web Citizen And Media Coverage: Yes, But...

These days, with the advent of social networks and blogs, every citizen yearns for information as mentioned in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which says: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." By virtue of this right, some citizens may sometimes tend to disseminate information without respecting certain rules of journalism that we will recall later. It's worth indicating that elections are a time:...

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4 Substantial Tactics Guaranteed To Boost Your Game Creation Skills

4 Substantial Tactics Guaranteed To Boost Your Game Creation Skills

A user of one of my web applications sent the following question : Hi my name is T. and I am 15, when I am older I want to be a part of the gaming industry and I am just wondering can you guys help with that, can you give me any tips or any experience? Would posting to your website help me out in this? I would love to hear your reply, it would really help me out. Here was my reply:...

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On Technical Orientation : 5 Basic Considerations When Starting To Code

On Technical Orientation : 5 Basic Considerations When Starting To Code

A fresher sent me the following query: Hi Necemon, thank you for accepting my invite. I am new to the IT field and I would appreciate if you could give me some guidance. Based on your work experience, can you tell me what companies look for in a computer guy ? I have heard about you from senior students at Christ University, I am in Bangalore and I like computer science but I do not know what to learn and how to begin. Actually, I think I like programming but I am told that the C language is no longer relevant, and I am also told about Ruby, C#, Python, etc. I'm confused....

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You Have The Right To Publish Whatever You Want Online

Dear teenagers and young adults who have been shocked by this article, and who did not fail to let me know, I owe you an apology. Indeed, I wrote without considering the two absolute truths of social networks, namely: 1. In front of a (webcam, smartphone, video) camera connected to the Internet (or not), you may expose yourself (literally or figuratively). The results can range from the topless picture (with a duck face, optionally) to the sextape - for the boldest among them, not to mention the full disclosure of the finest details of their personal life. But hey, the most important thing is to get "likes", "retweets" and "+1s"....

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