Cher lecteur (lectrice?),
J'espère que l'année 2013 t'a été favorable. Pour ma part, elle a été intense et riche en enseignements :
1. Ne jamais gaspiller une bonne crise (transformer la m3rde en sucre)....
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While facing the problem of youth employability, African countries today strive to improve the quality in their education systems by using ICTs. One of the lessons learned from the case studies in relevant countries shows that the integration of ICT in Education can be beneficial, not only in terms of Education, but also in terms of Entrepreneurship and Employability....
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"Curator" is a term used in museums. It refers to the person who chooses artworks for an exhibition, the curator is called upon to make a choice, a comment and an introduction of some existing works. He is the link between the artist (or the cultural heritage) and the public. He is an expert. The curator on the Internet, after defining the topics of his technological watch, may choose to work from a curation platform allowing him to automatically or manually harvest, filter, editorialise and share some online content. As a marketing tool, how can "Content Marketing" be used as teaching tool in higher education?...
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According to some Hacker News folks, the general assumption of computer security is:...
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Selon certains hackers, l'hypothèse générale de la sécurité informatique est la suivante:...
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Il n'y a pas si longtemps, j'ai reçu un e-mail d'un développeur énergique et talentueux qui s'attaquait à un projet logiciel ambitieux. Il m'a demandé si j'avais un conseil à lui donner.
Tous les souvenirs ont commencé à me revenir en masse. Les rêveries. Sortir du lit au beau milieu de la nuit parce qu'une idée ne peut pas attendre. Des mois de travail minutieux qui poussent ce bébé à ne plus vaciller et à marcher seul. Tout ça pour un public enthousiaste. Sauf que......
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There are already tons of good insights available on Sebastian's website. However, having a one-to-one discussion with him was very useful to discuss specific challenges relevant to some ongoing projects. Through that conversation, Sebastian gave concrete, actionable pieces of advice on project management, recruitment and teamwork :...
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Il y a déjà des tonnes de bonnes idées disponibles sur le site Web de Sebastian. Cependant, avoir une conversation one-to-one avec lui a été très utile pour discuter de défis spécifiques concernant certains projets en cours. A travers cet échange, Sebastian a proposé quelques conseils pratiques par rapport à la gestion de projet / d'équipe :...
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Lately, I have been interacting with some major project leaders. These are people who are confident about their projects. They generally avoid discussing these projects with others, for fear of having their ideas stolen. But they still needed a trustworthy advisor... And finally they decided that it would be Nnenna. After some "maximum security clearance" considerations and "highly classified" discussions, I noticed:...
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There is a quote that says "Everything that is rare is expensive". In sub-Saharan Africa, in that "Everything", it seems that we must include Everything but the teaching profession.
Indeed, the shortage of teachers that affects the whole world in general is particularly more pronounced in sub-Saharan Africa. If we stick to the quote, this situation should have had the effect of raising the salary of teachers to attract as many people as possible in the profession. But no! On the contrary, it appears to be driving teachers' salaries down. In The Ivory Coast for example, in the schools, you can find benevolent teachers and volunteer teachers alongside state civil service teachers....
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