Wherever you move on Internet, you are often forced to leave some information about yourself. To access a service, you may be asked to give your real name, phone number, address and so on. They call that required fields. Either you fill the form or you just leave it. But a lot of information is intentionally released.
The current trend is to share private information and photo in an intimate way, with family and friends via social networks. Even some people seem to enjoy displaying this personal data over the public internet. Nowadays, you can tell your own story to the world, describing your day to day activities as it happens (e.g. via Twitter). Some say that it’s fine. It’s also ok if some people get an access (somehow) to your Facebook wall and check your pictures. It seems that if you didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t have anything to hide so it’s ok if people see it....
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We are living a terrific OS wars with the rise of Linux over the last two decades. The big Google is also launching its Google Chrome OS. Microsoft and Apple are far away from giving up the party with the Windows 7 and Mac OS X respectively. Well, as a wannabe game programmer, I feel it is getting difficult to choose a side. The will to reach the maximum audience could lead to code mainly for windows gamers. But then, there is still a trouble. Let’s talk about a very exciting field of gaming: Multiplayer online gaming. Suppose you build your game client using any Microsoft .net language, say C#. Are you compelled to code your server application in C# as well?...
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J'ai toujours espéré qu'un jour j'aurai l'occasion de transmettre tout ce que j'ai appris. C'est à peine si je semble trouver du temps pour ça, vu que vivre selon mes propres paroles signifie forcément que je n'ai absolument pas le temps de les détailler. Mais au moins, je peux prendre un bref moment pour dire quelque chose en passant....
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Did you know that you have a digital identity? Well, yes, you do. You don't have to request it from any legal authority (for now, at least). It already exists and it can either elevate you or harm you. How? Because from the day when you connected to the Internet, and filled out a profile by registering your first and last names, posted photos or opened an electronic mailbox, your Identity was self-built without your knowledge. And it gets updated with each of your actions on your keyboard....
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Il y a quelques temps j'ai lu un livre qui parle de Google ("55 Way to have fun with Google" de Philipp Lenssen). Il y a un passage en particulier que jaimerais discuter. Il disait que Google nous rend beaucoup de services de nos jours, c'est un outil très bénéfique. Mais et si Google devenait méchant ? Ce serait vraiment une catastrophe à l'échelle mondiale. Il suffit de prendre quelques exemples pour s'en rendre compte :...
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A l'heure où j'écris ceci :
il y a 255 millions de sites Web et 152 millions de blogs sur Internet
35 heures de vidéo sont téléchargées sur YouTube chaque minute, 119 millions de tweets sont postés chaque jour...
Il est estimé que le contenu d'UNE SEULE semaine du journal "New York Times" contient plus d'informations qu'une personne était susceptible de rencontrer au 18ème siècle PENDANT TOUTE SA VIE....
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As I am writing this:
There are 255 million websites and 152 million blogs online, 35 hours of video are uploaded to Youtube every single minute, 119 millions tweets are posted every day...
It is estimated that a week's worth of the New York Times contains more information than a person was likely to come across in a life time in the 18th century....
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Cette vidéo de technologies Microsoft nous montre une vision très prometteuse du futur. Pour ceux qui ont vu le film Minority Report (réalisé par Steven Spielberg), sachez que c'est Microsoft qui est en grande partie à l'origine des technologies utilisées....
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Quite amazing... Beauty of Math :
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987...
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Accepts you as you are.
Believes in you.
Calls you just to say "hi."
Doesn't give up on you.
Envisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts).
Forgives your mistakes.
Gives unconditionally.
Helps you....
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