A few months ago, I left my job in order to become my own boss. Well, that's what I thought. But I could learn a few lessons from this experience that I would like to share.
1. Fun working
When you do a job you love, it turns out that you do not really work. You have fun while learning and making money....
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What is the Golf Ball Effect ?
First note that small causes can have huge consequenses. Butterfly Effect?
When hitting the ball, a difference of a few angles will result in a big difference in the position where the ball will land....
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Qu'est-ce que l'effet "Balle de Golf" ?
A la base, notons que de petites causes peuvent parfois entrainer des conséquences démesurées. Effet Papillon ?
Quand tu tapes dans une balle de golf, une petite difference dans l'angle de frappe peut changer beaucoup dans la trajectoire et dans la position finale de cette balle....
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A new online "friend" was recently asking me : "What should be done to get a more lively blog or social media page ? I mean, more visits, more likes; how to have some attractive blog and online profiles."
That question comes back from times to times. I don't particularly see myself as an expert in blogging or in social media marketing, but if I were to briefly sum up my humble opinion on the matter, that would be in 3 words : education, production and promotion....
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Une internaute (et nouvelle "amie") me pose la question suivante : "Que faut-il pour avoir un blog ou une page vivante sur les réseaux sociaux ? C’est-à-dire plus de visiteurs, des likes; comment faire pour que mon blog et mes pages qui seront en lien soient attractifs."
C'est une question qui revient de temps en temps. Je ne me considère nullement comme un expert en blogging ou en social media marketing, mais si je dois résumer instantanément/brièvement mon humble avis sur la question, ce serait en 3 mots : formation, production et promotion :...
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These days, with the advent of social networks and blogs, every citizen yearns for information as mentioned in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which says:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
By virtue of this right, some citizens may sometimes tend to disseminate information without respecting certain rules of journalism that we will recall later.
It's worth indicating that elections are a time:...
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In addition to being the cradle of humanity, Africa is becoming the cradle of entrepreneurs. As a matter of fact, when it comes to the world rankings of the countries with the largest number of entrepreneurs, Africa plays the leading role!
While entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom and the United States are associated with start-ups, in some other countries, especially in Africa, entrepreneurship for freelancers is more of a necessity than a dream. Indeed, when there are not enough jobs available like in many African countries, you have to create their own opportunities....
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When meeting someone, anyone, especially for the very first time or for the few first times, I think there are just 2 essential things to consider:...
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Quand on rencontre une personne, toute personne, surtout pour la toute première fois ou pour les premières fois, que ce soit en ligne ou en personne, je pense qu'il y a seulement 2 choses essentielles à considérer:...
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To be realistic is to find a rational way to achieve a magnificent goal.
PS: This is neither a biography, nor a success story. This is just the testimony of an African entrepreneur for those who can be inspired by it, here or elsewhere....
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