10 Jaar Programmeren

10 Jaar Programmeren

Ik begon met programmeren toen ik op de middelbare school zat. Ik heb het afgelopen decennium een paar lessen geleerd en ik dacht dat ik even de tijd zou nemen om mijn gedachten over deze dingen te verzamelen....

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10 Years of Programming

10 Years of Programming

I started programming when I was in high school. I learned a few lessons over the past decade, and I thought I would take a moment to gather my thoughts on these things. It took me about ten years and a lot of experimentation to figure out some of this....

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The Xamarin Revolution

The Xamarin Revolution

Xamarin is a cross-platform development tool. It solves dilemmas many developers face when developing cross-platform apps: separate coding languages and UI paradigms. With Xamarin, you can use C# for iOS, Android, and Universal Windows apps. And with Xamarin Forms, interface design for all three platforms can be accomplished within its XAML-based framework. Here is some documentation I would recommend if you consider getting started with Xamarin....

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Starting a New Job: 12 Tips for a Brilliant Outset

Starting a New Job: 12 Tips for a Brilliant Outset

Right from the start, look for quick wins, and do your best to achieve them. You have to find something you can do as soon as possible to show some quick positive results. This will lower the pressure you feel and help you get more confident. Also, it is important to secure these early wins because they help to build your momentum and establish your credibility....

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Your First Job is Like Your First Girlfriend

Your First Job is Like Your First Girlfriend

Several of my readers have expressed some anxiety when it comes to getting their first chance. Many think they are hopeless, as they have never done it before. By not having certain socio-emotional skills and languages on their "psychological resume", they feel like they have an obvious flaw, as if applying for a job were like asking someone out. Given their lack of experience, others worry that their first opportunity will be a complete failure because they wouldn’t know how to handle it. So let's talk about that first time....

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FFmpeg, The Fastest Way To Edit a Video File (in 5 seconds or less)

FFmpeg, The Fastest Way To Edit a Video File (in 5 seconds or less)

What's your problem? You want to remove or extract a part of a video. You could download, install and/or buy some advanced editing software which has such feature (like Adobe Premiere Pro), but it takes a lot of time and energy, especially if you are working with several, long videos and the software has to decodes and re-encodes the files every time. The solution : FFmpeg....

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