Having written NotifluxTM and AUDE (Automatic Updates Distribution Engine) some time last year, I thought I would play around with the Facebook and Twitter APIs and keep posting links to some fresh news and articles in real time.


So depending on the kind of things you like, you might want to join or follow some of those pages:


DegammageTM UK : PC & Web gaming news.

->Facebook   ->Twitter


Evasium Park : A  2D Virtual World. We are currently working on the version 0.2. In the meanwhile, here are regular news about virtual worlds.

->Facebook   ->Twitter


NotifluxTM : Your flux of notes and notifications. All about winning : strategy, tactics, philosophy, marketing, business, etc.

->Facebook   ->Twitter


Evasium ® : Posting news about fun learning, education through technology.

->Facebook   ->Twitter


Evasium Developers : The nerdy one. Latest and best technology articles about programming in general and Microsoft C# .NET in particular.

->Facebook   ->Twitter


Take your pick!

