[Interview] In The Bubble Of Ahou The African Chick: "I like to go beyond my limits, I like to be curious and try new things"

[Interview] In The Bubble Of Ahou The African Chick: "I like to go beyond my limits, I like to be curious and try new things"

1. Quick (but effective) introduction of the personage and her achievements? My name is Bénédicte Kouakou or, if you will, Ahou l'Africaine (Ahou The African Chick, my blogger name). Holding a Master's degree in Judicial Law obtained from the Catholic University of West Africa (UCAO), Ahou is passionate about digital communication and content writing. She worked as a Social Media Manager at YooMee, Bogolan Distribution (for the "Living Together" project) and RCG West Africa where she also worked as Communication and Event Assistant, on content writing and digital strategy development. Hence she has accrued 4 years of professional and corporate experience. Unsatisfied with her "brief" internship in a law firm, and her 4 years of business experience, Ahou will combine her two passions, which are the Law and Digital Communication, by creating The Blog of Ahou The African Chick in May 2015... I have been fighting for what I wanted. I have not yet fully realized my ambitions so far, but for me, these have been great experiences....

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On reading books and self-education: My Essentials

There are a lot of great skills you get from school/university lectures, no doubt. But on the other hand, for some specific and practical "super powers" you want to acquire or enhance, you have no other choice but teach yourself. The potential reasons are legion. That could happen by mere interest or if you want to deepen your knowledge in one of your subjects. Or maybe for the sake of personal projects, say learning some essential life skill they don't teach you in class. So yes, when college doesn't prepare you for life battles, you have to coach yourself. Anyway, I am not here to complain about any education system. I am writing this post because I would like to share the best and most useful books I went through, as I have been reading a lot lately. I read on a variety of fields and for each of them I am suggesting the top books (according to my humble opinion). Here we go:...

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