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Welcome to NeceMoon, a Virtual Moon by Necemon who likes the idea of having a kind of small and remote World in the Metaverse. This pun is therefore perfectly appropriate.


Here are the objectives for this blog:
- To describe and explain the projects I undertake
- To learn from my experiences, to share as I learn
- To make things easier for the next guy
- To share tips and insights on a range of topics, essentially Technology and Strategy.

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Also, here is an e-Book which contains the best articles from this blog, feel free to download it.

The NeceMoon Album Complete Book


I'm Necemon Yai. Senior Software Engineer. Full time Developer. Part time Digital Artist, Strategist, Author and Entreprenerd.
You can send me a Text or an E-mail. You can connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.


Thanks for your time and your attention.

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