10 Marketing Tips For Promoting Your Next Blog Post

10 Marketing Tips For Promoting Your Next Blog Post

You created your blog a few months ago. You regularly produce content to supply the "few readers you have" but that doesn't seem to be enough. Your numbers are hardly increasing and you don't know how to boost your web traffic. The few Facebook and Twitter ads that you buy to promote your publications don't really help and you do not know what to do. Today I would like to suggest 10 tips that will help you to better promote your next blog post and develop your audience....

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A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank

A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank

If you have ever checked the weather online, used the navigation function of your smartphone to find an on-duty pharmacy, or calculated the road expenses of your municipality, then you have already used "Open" Public Data. But maybe you didn't know it... For a long time, it was difficult (or even impossible) to access this information from the public authorities. This concept was born from the belief that the huge amount of information systematically collected by public administrations should be accessible to all citizens. In the late 2000s, states and their various services began to grant access to these resources to a greater number of users. The first government open data policies were introduced in 2009. Currently, more than 250 national and local governments, nearly 50 developed/developing countries, and institutions such as the World Bank and the United Nations have launched initiatives to release the data, and these are growing every year. Data is considered "open" if everyone can use, reuse and redistribute it freely, free of charge, for any purpose and without restrictions. Many data sets are published on government websites, but most of them are only meant to be viewed in isolation, and are not reusable for other purposes. Open data must be reusable, that is, downloadable in an open, software-readable format, and users must be legally permitted to reuse it....

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It's All About The Selfie

It's All About The Selfie

The Selfie. Everyone knows everything about it... Or do they? How was it born? Where does it come from? Here I decided to dedicate an article to the Selfie story. I, a good disciple of the Web Lord, took my laptop pilgrim to write this article and preach the Good News of Technology to you, my dear readers......

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A Quick Guide For New Bloggers

A Quick Guide For New Bloggers

A new online "friend" was recently asking me : "What should be done to get a more lively blog or social media page ? I mean, more visits, more likes; how to have some attractive blog and online profiles." That question comes back from times to times. I don't particularly see myself as an expert in blogging or in social media marketing, but if I were to briefly sum up my humble opinion on the matter, that would be in 3 words : education, production and promotion....

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Web Citizen And Media Coverage: Yes, But...

Web Citizen And Media Coverage: Yes, But...

These days, with the advent of social networks and blogs, every citizen yearns for information as mentioned in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which says: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." By virtue of this right, some citizens may sometimes tend to disseminate information without respecting certain rules of journalism that we will recall later. It's worth indicating that elections are a time:...

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Flux Project : Social News Web Applications

Flux Project : Social News Web Applications

This is just a quick update on my ongoing side projects, I have been working on a series of social news web applications where users can submit content and decide, through commenting and votings, what's good (kiffs) and what's junk (zaps). Links that receive community approval raise towards the top, so the first pages are constantly in motion and (hopefully) filled with fresh, interesting links. Nothing impressive, but it gives me a good basis for making a web platform, as in, the common features:...

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Relaunch : Kpakpatoya 2.0 as an Interactive Platform

Relaunch : Kpakpatoya 2.0 as an Interactive Platform

Kpakpatoya is a repository for what's new, popular and relevant on the Internet with a focus on Africa. Users like you can submit content and decide, through voting, what's good (kiffs) and what's junk (zaps). Links that receive community approval raise towards the top, so the front page is constantly in motion and (hopefully) filled with fresh, interesting links. Kpakpatoya is part of the Evasium Network. "Kpakpatoya" is a term from the Ivorian slang which indicates the act of spreading rumors, passing on supposed stories relating to surrounding things, events and people. In our context, it would therefore be appropriate to understand "kpakpatoya" with regard to scoops, gossips and even compelling news....

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You Have The Right To Publish Whatever You Want Online

Dear teenagers and young adults who have been shocked by this article, and who did not fail to let me know, I owe you an apology. Indeed, I wrote without considering the two absolute truths of social networks, namely: 1. In front of a (webcam, smartphone, video) camera connected to the Internet (or not), you may expose yourself (literally or figuratively). The results can range from the topless picture (with a duck face, optionally) to the sextape - for the boldest among them, not to mention the full disclosure of the finest details of their personal life. But hey, the most important thing is to get "likes", "retweets" and "+1s"....

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