Etre réaliste, c’est trouver un moyen rationnel pour atteindre un but magnifique.
PS : Ceci n’est pas une biographie, ni un manuel de succès (Success Story) mais un un témoignage d’entrepreneur africain pour ceux que ça pourra inspirer ici ou ailleurs.
Les déclencheurs
Nous sommes dans l’intervalle 1997 – 2001, les années d’or de la PlayStation 1, et je joue à deux jeux qui vont changer ma vie....
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Vous reconnaître dès les premières secondes, telle est la finalité de votre signature musicale. Intel Inside, Nespresso, Dim, Bouygues Telecom, Mc Donald’s, Carglass, Nescafé...
Ces grandes marques ont toutes au moins un point commun : elles se « chantent ».
Elles possèdent en effet une identité sonore, une mélodie originale composée des notes emblématiques de l’entreprise reconnaissable par tous. Celle-ci peut alors accompagner une marque pendant des années et lui permettre de se démarquer efficacement de ses concurrents....
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Success has several meanings in the dictionary. It may be about a happy outcome, a job, a sporting event. For a public figure, it may be a favor, a public hearing. It is also about pleasing someone, seducing someone or achieving a desired goal. In all these definitions, one thing is certain anyway, one must work hard to achieve a marked success. But today, success is regarded as the result of practices which are unorthodox, shady or even occult. Anyone who gets successful is systematically accused of having made a deal with the devil.
Nowadays, in many people's mind: "Once someone has been dirty, they can never get the right to become clean". Some (mostly public) people have seen their past resurface and be exposed to public scrutiny. We don't have anything better to do than to draw upon people past history and mistakes, hence giving rise to avalanches of accusations that are all equally wacky.
I wonder if we are no longer allowed to succeed on this earth; if we are bound to die poor and unhappy; if we should remain in a state of failure instead of trying to improve ourselves.
As of today, I, Strella, am neither the daughter nor the protegee of anyone. I have been knocking on every door while hoping for help, but those doors usually remain closed. Nevertheless I persevere and I continue to move forward. I struggle as much as I can. Sometimes, I work without being paid. While I am in the face of adversity, no one shows up, there are no rumors about me, there are no nude pictures or videos of me anywhere....
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A user of one of my web applications sent the following question :
Hi my name is T. and I am 15, when I am older I want to be a part of the gaming industry and I am just wondering can you guys help with that, can you give me any tips or any experience?
Would posting to your website help me out in this? I would love to hear your reply, it would really help me out.
Here was my reply:...
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Un utilisateur de l'une de mes applications web m'a fait part part de sa préoccupation:
Bonjour, je suis T. j'ai 15 ans, quand je serai grand j'aimerais faire partie de l'industrie du jeu vidéo et je me demandais si vous pouviez m'aider. Pouvez-vous me donner quelques conseils et partager avec moi votre expérience?
Est-ce que le fait de publier sur votre plateforme pourrait m'aider dans cette situation? J'aimerais beaucoup lire votre réponse, ça m'aidera vraiment.
Telle fut ma réponse:...
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Monty Oum was the Bruce Lee of Digital Arts. That was the man who never slowed down, who always wanted his artistic life to be efficient, quick and as productive as possible. He was litterally a personification of motivation and determination, here are some of his best lines:...
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Monty Oum était le Bruce Lee des Arts Numériques. C'était l'homme qui ne ralentissait jamais, celui qui voulait que sa vie artistique soit toujours aussi efficace, rapide et productive que possible. Il était littéralement une personnification de la motivation et de la détermination, voici ses meilleures punchlines :...
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There are some people who are willing to sacrifice almost everything, including their time, resources, sometimes even their social life, their sleep and some "normal" pleasures of life. All of that, in order to work hard and focus on their vocation, to improve things or try and make their world a slightly better place. Your grandparents had a word for that: Saints. Today we refer to them as Entreprenerds....
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Il y a certaines personnes qui sont prêtes à quasiment tout sacrifier, y compris leur temps, leurs ressources, souvent même leur vie sociale, leur sommeil et certains plaisirs "normaux" de la vie. Tout ça pour se consacrer à leur vocation, travailler dur à changer les choses ou essayer a leur façon de rendre leur monde un peu plus agréable. Tes grands parents avaient un mot pour ça, il les appelaient les Saints. Mais ça, c'etait avant. Aujourdhui, on les appelent les Entreprenerds....
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A fresher sent me the following query:
Hi Necemon, thank you for accepting my invite. I am new to the IT field and I would appreciate if you could give me some guidance. Based on your work experience, can you tell me what companies look for in a computer guy ?
I have heard about you from senior students at Christ University, I am in Bangalore and I like computer science but I do not know what to learn and how to begin.
Actually, I think I like programming but I am told that the C language is no longer relevant, and I am also told about Ruby, C#, Python, etc. I'm confused....
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