A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank

A Practical Guide On Open Data From The World Bank

If you have ever checked the weather online, used the navigation function of your smartphone to find an on-duty pharmacy, or calculated the road expenses of your municipality, then you have already used "Open" Public Data. But maybe you didn't know it... For a long time, it was difficult (or even impossible) to access this information from the public authorities. This concept was born from the belief that the huge amount of information systematically collected by public administrations should be accessible to all citizens. In the late 2000s, states and their various services began to grant access to these resources to a greater number of users. The first government open data policies were introduced in 2009. Currently, more than 250 national and local governments, nearly 50 developed/developing countries, and institutions such as the World Bank and the United Nations have launched initiatives to release the data, and these are growing every year. Data is considered "open" if everyone can use, reuse and redistribute it freely, free of charge, for any purpose and without restrictions. Many data sets are published on government websites, but most of them are only meant to be viewed in isolation, and are not reusable for other purposes. Open data must be reusable, that is, downloadable in an open, software-readable format, and users must be legally permitted to reuse it....

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Starting a New Job: 12 Tips for a Brilliant Outset

Starting a New Job: 12 Tips for a Brilliant Outset

Right from the start, look for quick wins, and do your best to achieve them. You have to find something you can do as soon as possible to show some quick positive results. This will lower the pressure you feel and help you get more confident. Also, it is important to secure these early wins because they help to build your momentum and establish your credibility....

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Your First Job is Like Your First Girlfriend

Your First Job is Like Your First Girlfriend

Several of my readers have expressed some anxiety when it comes to getting their first chance. Many think they are hopeless, as they have never done it before. By not having certain socio-emotional skills and languages on their "psychological resume", they feel like they have an obvious flaw, as if applying for a job were like asking someone out. Given their lack of experience, others worry that their first opportunity will be a complete failure because they wouldn’t know how to handle it. So let's talk about that first time....

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Did You Just Say Crowdfunding?

During the month of August, I was helping out the TechOfAfrica team with the organization of an afropreneur afterwork event in Abidjan. So I was talking with a friend about that session, I was explaining that the purpose was to present the Afropreneur project and to promote the related crowdfunding campaign. But, as soon as I mentioned the word "Crowdfunding". my friend immediately shifted to a shocked face. "Huh? What's that, Nanda? Some of your geeky stuff again?", She asked. And then, I realised that what may seem obvious for some of us is not always that clear for others. This situation is amplified by the fact that many are not particularly comfortable with the language of Shakespeare. So I wrote this little article just to clear things up for everyone. Happy reading....

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Africa, Cradle Of Humanity And Entrepreneurs

Africa, Cradle Of Humanity And Entrepreneurs

In addition to being the cradle of humanity, Africa is becoming the cradle of entrepreneurs. As a matter of fact, when it comes to the world rankings of the countries with the largest number of entrepreneurs, Africa plays the leading role! While entrepreneurs in the United Kingdom and the United States are associated with start-ups, in some other countries, especially in Africa, entrepreneurship for freelancers is more of a necessity than a dream. Indeed, when there are not enough jobs available like in many African countries, you have to create their own opportunities....

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Job On The Web : How Not To Get Hired

Yesterday I posted an urgent advertisement to recruit a multitasking and bilingual intern. The required skills were: - To know how to write and speak English. - To know the Web environment and social networks. - To be curious and to be available immediately. Within 10 hours, I received 65 applications by e-mail or via my Facebook page and profile. I received very good profiles. I will not talk about those. I will focus on those who have been systematically rejected, since many of them were disqualified because they haven't realised that social networks are now a place where recruiters are "stalking" too. And if you dream of getting hired for an Internet job, here is what you must avoid doing:...

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